Heterogeneous atmospheric ozonolysis of currently used pesticides in Viticulture


  • Samia Boulos
  • Durand Amandine
  • Ravier Sylvain
  • Temime-Roussel Brice
  • Quivet Etienne
  • Wortham Henri


  • Pesticides
  • Aerosols
  • Ozone
  • Heterogeneous reactivity
  • Degradation products

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Currently used pesticides are semi-volatile organic compounds and often found in the particulate phase. In fact, all European regulations account for the reactivity of pesticides with OH radicals in the gaseous phase, this approximation might significantly underestimate their lifetimes. In our study, we determined the atmospheric half-lives towards ozone in the particulate phase and discovered that all of them could be classified as persistent organic pollutants. Moreover, our research focuses on identifying the degradation products of pesticides, which could potentially be more toxic than the parent molecules.

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